Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

I always look like im 16 or 17 and im twenty and i am going out tonight my hair is medium long and blonde. HELP!

What is a cute way to wear my hair?


- just wear it in a bumpy is totally cute now!

- if u have bangs pull them back and make it poof. Secure with bobbie pins

-half-up half-down

-messy bun

-if it is straight CURL IT!!1

-if it is curly straighten it!!!

-wear a cut head band


What is a cute way to wear my hair?

A messy bun is always simple, perhaps in an updo?

Hope I helped =]

What is a cute way to wear my hair?


What is a cute way to wear my hair?

I think you can wear your hair down or up in a pony tail

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

I need more info, like is your hair straight? Then curl it for a more formal different look. Maybe get highlights to look older, or get a small clip and have your hair back and away from your face to look more grown up. Even plain old down with the right makeup can make you look older.

hope i helped

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

layers layers!!

or get the posh spice cut. . . Im 20 as well and people think im younger but I recently got the posh cut and its looks a hella better everyone loved it!

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

put in a sophisticated ponytail bun with it messy and sexy.

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

I think that you should curl it but not to much so it would look like Elle Woods hair in Legally Blonde

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

Loose barrel curls would look nice, with a bit of makeup. :)

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

a french twist with a few wavy strands in the front and the back hairline.

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

if i were you i would try sidebangs and if they isnt enough time for a haircut just try straighting and curling only the ends.....i love doing that to my staraight hair

What is a cute way to wear my hair?

if your going to be showering-

when you get out of the shower put volumizer on your hair(if you have thinner hair) otherwise you can skip the volumizer. Let your hair dry. Once your hair is dry put it in a pony tail then curl only the hair that is in the ponytail. Wallah! you have an incredibly adorably curly pony!

If you are not going to shower-

just put your hair in a ponytail and curl it!

(If you want you can kind of "pouf" your hair on the top of your head, if you know what i mean)

I wore this once when I was going out with my friends and they absolutely loved it! They also thought it made me look a few years older. they told me I should wear my hair like this more often so I sincerely hope if you try this it will work for you :)

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