Okay so im a guy and 18. My hair is medium-short and i really dont know what to do with it.. Any suggestions will be helpful.. Thanks
Help with hair!!?
Ok here are a few options:
1. You could dye it, but I would not suggest using permanent dye as later you might want to take it off.
2. You could use bleach but remember it is bad for your hair.
3. You could use gel to spike it.
4. You could tousle it to get that messy look.
5. You could split your hair on the side to get bangs (DOn't worry, they are not girly) slightly over one eye
Help with hair!!?
ummmm...you shud dye em avril blonde!!
Help with hair!!?
die it black and get a skater cut
Help with hair!!?
Well I dont know what you look like but maybe you could grow it out and like have it like the skaters have it, I like that hair style and for your age it`s good too.
Help with hair!!?
i'd get it cut sort of like that , although its a very bad picture, and just use some gel to style it .
Help with hair!!?
I'm a guy and I'm 19. My hair is medium short and its kinda dark brown. Sometimes I lightly gel it and just kind stick it straight forward. Its not matted down but its not spiked up.
I use to do a semi-cross over.... but that was just disgusting =)
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