Thursday, July 23, 2009

I dyed my hair a deep red about a week ago. Its semi-permanent?

supposed to wash out in 28 shampoos. My hair was medium brown to begin with. Now I want blonde hair. If I dye it again will it be blonde? I don't want orange hair. So I'm afraid to do it. Should I wait?

I dyed my hair a deep red about a week ago. Its semi-permanent?

Well bleaching it after putting red in it might turn it slightly pink so I would be careful or better yet go to a salon to get it done professionally.

I dyed my hair a deep red about a week ago. Its semi-permanent?

WAIT! Call the number on the back of the box of the color you used first, or the number on the color you want to use and tell them EXACTLY what you did to begin with. If you don't do this you will end up with no telling what color!

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