Saturday, August 1, 2009

How can I make my hair smooth?

I have thick, straight, medium-length layered hair. I mostly wash my hair every other day, but sometimes everyday. I use head %26amp; shoulders shampoo, and for conditioner, I normally use pantene or garnier fructis. I don't style my hair and rarely use any hair products like gel or hairspray...My hair falls out a lot and when it grows back, it results in many new, annoying hairs that stick out all over my head, making it look all frizzy and messy sometimes...How can I get rid of this? Even though I have straight hair, would using a hair straightener help?

How can I make my hair smooth?

to get rid of frizz use sunsilk for no frizz, its in a green bottle.

if you want something more you could use hair moisturizing masks like avacado or olive oil (if you use that make sure you rinse it out all the way)

for shampoo and conditioner try something with smoothing in the name i found loreal vive works good

good luck!

How can I make my hair smooth?

Leave your conditioner up to 3-5 minutes, the longer your conditioner stays in your hair, the more it nourishes and soften's your hair.

How can I make my hair smooth?

get herble essences shampoo and conditioner, they work really well

How can I make my hair smooth?

You can use a straight iron. my cousin has thick straight hair and uses one. just use H%26amp;S a few times a week and the rest of the week use a shampoo like panteen sleek and smooth. also try Sexy Hair products that are soy based sold only at salons. Works really good without making your hair real stiff. follow the link below and look under the healthy hair link and then click on soy. i really like the leave in conditioner ( i also have a friz problem and wavy hair that i did straighten till i cut it really short a few days ago) They also have SOY Smoothie which is a straightening tonic. I like the products and most start ( at the local salon i visit which is not a chain) around $10 - $12. Like you I am not big on using a lot of products in my hair.

How can I make my hair smooth?

Use Dove Conditioner. leave it in for bout 2-3 minutes than rinse it out. I use Dove shampoo and conditioner and i LOVE the results. It alwayz leaves my hair feeling soft and smooth. if ur hair is already straight, then i guess you dont hav to use a hair straighter. For the hair that sticks up, you can put water to make it flat, or just use hairspray.

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